Ultra Energy

Transformer Testing and Commissioning

Transformer testing and commissioning are critical processes to ensure the reliability, safety, and optimal performance of transformers in power systems. At Ultra Energy, we provide comprehensive testing and commissioning services for transformers of all types and ratings, ensuring they meet industry standards and operational requirements.

transformer testing and commissioning

Our Transformer Testing and Commissioning Process

Our testing and commissioning of transformers include visual inspection of the transformer and associated components, checking for oil levels, leaks, and proper earthing connections, ensuring the health of insulation between windings and between windings and the transformer body, confirming the accuracy of the transformer’s winding ratios, ensuring the correct operation of protective relays, verifying the proper functioning of on-load and off-load tap changers, measuring core losses when the transformer operates without load, and integration with the power system along with testing under real-time conditions.

Pre-Commissioning Inspection

Electrical Testing

Functional Testing

Load Testing

Performance Testing

Final Commissioning